Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Medical uses I.T allot in our day before they had I.T the doctors and medical staff had all of our records on paper in folders. But know all of our medical records are on computers so when you go to the doctors all they have to do is find your name on the server and then they have all of your medical records it that easy now. The other way that medical has evolved using I.T is when you are having an operation or a scan. The operations has evolved because now they have create a robot machine that is able to complete a operation while the surgeon or doctors controls the machine in the computer, When you are having a scan now its all computers when you’re having the scan the person controlling the scan can see everything on the computer screen. Then the control prints out the scan to show the patient what’s wrong. With robot operation it allows the medical staff to operate on a patient without being in the same country as the operation is taking place in. 

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